Just sharing new DNA company TribeCode's recent announcements on Facebook ... Yes they are actually listening to their customers! ... Enjoy...
From FaceBook: Hey TribeCode Facebook fans! We have just released a new feature, Melting Pot Timeline (6/17/15)
Melting Pot Timeline reveals even more detail about your ancestry by
unlocking the admixture within each population of your ethnicity
composition. Using sophisticated data analysis algorithms, Melting Pot
Timeline maps the expansion of founding populations from about 1300 BCE
to 1900 CE to uncove
r their contribution to admixture around the world.
By selecting a population in your ethnicity composition pie chart, you
will see the admixture within that specific population as well as any
historical event during the same time period that would have influenced
populations to migrate.
To access Melting Pot Timeline, hover
your cursor over Experimental Features within the My Ancestry drop-down
menu and select Melting Pot Timeline. Select the DNA or question mark
icons for details on how to navigate the feature and interpret the
Questions or Feedback? Send us an email to customersupport@tribecode.com.
2. Hello GERMANY, and new European population update to TribeCode's Ethnicity Composition

For the past few months, our team has been working hard to build upon
our reference database to broaden the representation of global
populations. We are very excited to share with you that we have expanded
our reference data to include a more detailed characterization of
European populations.
The additional reference data has been applied to every cust
results and is reflected under the European Panel within Ethnicity
Composition. This new panel has been added to give customers with high
levels of European ancestry a more detailed and higher resolution view
of their DNA ancestry. Specific populations referenced include German,
Irish, Dutch and more.
Non-European ethnicity is shown as
“Other” in this panel. For Non-European ancestry, you will see a more
detailed view of your results on the Ethnicity Composition page.
We greatly appreciate your patience as we continue to build our
reference data and improve our algorithms. We hope that this increases
your satisfaction with your TribeCode results. For more detail on the
European Panel, check out our latest post on Drum Beat! Please contact
us if you have questions.