The fifth installment of season three's PBS Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates Jr: Family Reunions (FYR 3:5) aired on February 16, 2016 (8pm EST), and was arguably the best episode ... ever. Join me as I discuss the reuniting genealogical stories of: (I) LL Cool J; and (II) Sean Combs.
Family Reunions. The summertime fodder when we're all under the blazing Ra gettin' stuffed, making moments with kinfolk and who's-dat-girls on alopecia-riddled tuft. Paper plates buffed with fire-grilled delights and smokescreen cups filled with igniting nutcracker spikes. Ma Dukes spilling oolong family teas, and havin' hissy fits at the kids tryin' to get dibs on Grandpa's famous ribs. Nearby banshee boys cocking stunts on dirty-red bikes, performing Tasmania Devil stunts that would make even Evil Kniviel crunk. New jacks being told to pull up their sags by OG’s imbibing down libations in brown paper bags. Apple-synched ladybugs acting all laissez faire while well-I-never Aunt Tee throwing shady side-eyes at Uncle Dee's wandering stare. Soul train', Cha-Cha vs. electric slidin', the running man and Frankie Beverly finger-snapping thanks to cousin DJ. But here's the remix: